Wednesday, June 25, 2014

We had to stop excavating in our unit today which was very sad. The walls would not hold up which is the difficulty of dealing with loose sand. By the end of the day we just had two walls that made a perfect v in the middle kind of like and inside out triangle. The worst part is we had finally gotten down low enough to where we could make walls but the sand from the top kept falling inside. We had just come down on a surface that kind of looked like a floor but it doesn't seem to carry into the other units so we may never know. Tomorrow is kind of up in the air because they also had to close out unit 2. That means that some people will have to stay home and work in the lab tomorrow or they may send some people to do surface collections. I hope I get to continue excavations on unit 3 because I would really like to find something soon. I will post some pictures of the unit when I get back to the US there is limited wifi and it is often very slow.

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